Stanislaus Audubon WhatsApp Group 

Stanislaus Audubon WhatsApp Group 

What Is It? 

The Stanislaus Audubon WhatsApp Group electronic bird alert system is an OPT‐IN messaging list for alerting chapter members about field trips, activities and scarce and/or rare birds found within the Stanislaus and Merced Counties area. Anyone who is on the group can post instant messages. The alerts can be in text or audio form and can contain images, maps, and links. 

Advantages of WhatsApp

The WhatsApp service has several advantages.

How to Install and Use Whatsapp

Who Can Join the WhatsApp List? 

​Members will need to use a smartphone to use the WhatsApp service, however these devices have now become dominant and anyone who hasn't switched to one yet, will find that are infinitely move useful than the old push button mobile phones. 

How to Join the Stanislaus Audubon WhatsApp Group 

IMPORTANT: If you already use the WhatsApp app, please make sure that you have included your name in the Settings. If you are downloading and setting up WhatsApp for the first time, be sure to include your name in the setup process.

Guidelines for Using the WhatsApp Service

The purpose of the Stanislaus Audubon WhatsApp Group electronic bird alert system is to help chapter members stay up-to-date with chapter activities and find birds that are uncommon or rare in our area.

List Etiquette  

Always use the four W’s: What, Where, When, and Who. Your message should include species, sighting location and time (month, date, time of day), a description of the bird and/or the location (if necessary), and your name.  

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact one of the administrators