*Oology is a branch of ornithology studying bird eggs, nests and breeding behaviour. The word is derived from the Greek oion, meaning egg.
5. House Wren
This part of the Stanislaus Audubon Website is focused on 44 common Central Valley nesting species with background about their nesting habits. Please check the Great Valley Museum Central Valley Egg Collection starting page for links to all the featured species.
HOUSE WREN NESTING INFORMATION (From birdsoftheworld.org)
Nests - Generally a secondary cavity nester. Male begins constructing nests in empty cavities with the female completing the nest immediately upon pairing with a male. To prepare a cavity for nesting, dozens to hundreds of small sticks are placed in the bottom of the cavity to form a platform 5–20 cm tall.
Eggs - Short, rounded ovate to oval, 4-8 eggs per clutch. Ground color white to pinkish white to slightly grayish; marked lightly to quite extensively with small spots or blotches of reddish brown, rufous, or lavender
Incubation - 15 to 18 days
Fledging - altricial, leaving nest at 18 to 20 days old.
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