*Oology is a branch of ornithology studying bird eggs, nests and breeding behaviour. The word is derived from the Greek oion, meaning egg.
2. Lesser Goldfinch
This part of the Stanislaus Audubon Website is focused on 44 common Central Valley nesting species with background about their nesting habits. Please check the Great Valley Museum Central Valley Egg Collection starting page for links to all the featured species.
Nests - The female selects site as she locates and begins to defend a nearby source of nectar. The nest is usually placed on horizontal surface of a twig or branch. The nest may be close to areas of high human activity, such as in a bush along a sidewalk of a busy street.
Eggs - white, nonglossy, smooth egg is elliptical oval or subelliptical with similar curvatures at opposite ends. Invariably the clutch will have two eggs which are sometimes laid before the nest is finished.
Incubation - generally lasts 16 days with alticial young appearing like black grubby caterpillars.
Fledging - happens between 18 to 30 days depending on environmental conditions.
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