The Stanislaus Audubon Society was formed in 1973. Prior to that date, Stanislaus & Merced County members were part of the San Joaquin Audubon Society.
Sal Salerno - President, SBRC
John Harris – Vice-president, Membership, eBird Reviewer, SBRC
David Froba - Treasurer
Daniel Gilman - Secretary, SBRC
Richard Brown - Events
Jody Hallstrom - Conservation
Eric Hopson – Field Trips
CeCe Hurst – Social Media
Ann Kohlhaas – Education, joined 5/2020
Christine Magana - Events Chair
Tom Myers – Events
Kathy Rasmussen - Events
Harold Reeve - CBC Coordinator, eBird Reviewer, SBRC
Xavier Sandoval – Field Trips
Jodi Smith - Newsletter Coordinator
Madeline Yancey
Sal Salerno - President, SBRC Member
Jody Hallstrom - Vice-president, Conservation Chair
David Froba - Treasurer
John Harris - Secretary, eBird Reviewer, SBRC Member
Richard Brown
Jim Gain - Website, Listserve, eBird Reviewer, SBRC Member
Daniel Gilman - Secretary, SBRC Member
Ann Kohlhaas - Joined 5/2020
Christine Magana - Events Chair
Tom Myers
Kathy Rasmussen
Harold Reeve - CBC Coordinator, eBird Reviewer, SBRC Member
Xavier Sandoval
Jodi Smith - Newsletter Coordinator
President: Sal Salerno
Vice President: Eric Caine (left board in 2018) Jim Gain assumes in 2018
Jodi Smith
Treasurer: David Froba
Secretary: John Harris
Kathy Rasmussen
Jim Gain (Vice President, 2018)
Daniel Gilman
Jody Hallstrom
Christine Magana
Harold Reeve
Xavier Sandoval
President: Sal Salerno
Vice President: Eric Caine
Treasurer: David Froba
Secretary: John Harris
Bill Amundsen (left board in 2015)
Lori Franzman (left board in 2014)
Jim Gain
Daniel Gilman
Jody Hallstrom
Christine Magana (added in 2014)
Harold Reeve
Joe Devine
President: Sal Salerno
Vice President: Eric Caine
Treasurer: David Froba
Secretary: John Harris
Bill Amundsen
Harold Reeve
Wally Tordoff (left board in 2011)
Joe Devine
Lori Franzman
Dale Swanberg
Jody Hallstrom (added in 2011)
President: Jim Gain
Vice President: Eric Caine
Treasurer: David Froba
Secretary: Sal Salerno
Bill Amundsen
Julie Ann Rapp
Karen Rapp
Harold Reeve
Wally Tordoff
John Harris
Joe Devine
President: David Froba
Vice President: Eric Caine
Treasurer: Maria Gain
Secretary: Jim Gain
Bill Amundsen
Julie Ann Rapp
Karen Rapp
Harold Reeve
Wally Tordoff
Sal Salerno
John Harris
Joe Devine
President: David Froba
Vice President: Eric Caine
Treasurer: Sherry Lindley
Secretary: Jim Gain
Bill Amundsen
Margery Fletcher
Paul Illick
Jerry Lommel
Julie Ann Rapp
Karen Rapp
Harold Reeve
Wally Tordoff
Sal Salerno (added in 2005)
President: David Froba
Vice President: Eric Caine
Treasurer: Sherry Lindley
Secretary: Mike Cummins
Bill Amundsen
Margery Fletcher
Jim Gain
Paul Illick
Jerry Lommel
Karen Rapp
Harold Reeve
President: David Froba
Vice President: Eric Cain
Treasurer: Sherry Lindley
Secretary: Harold Reeve
Bob Corey
Mike Cummins
Margery Fletcher
Jim Gain
Paul Illick
Wray Ladine
Jerry Lommel
President: David Froba
Vice President: Jim Gain
Treasurer: Sherry Lindley
Secretary: Harold Reeve
Eric Caine
Bob Corey
Margery Fletcher
Maria Gain
Paul Illick
Wray Ladine
Jerry Lommel
C.J. Rogers
Dick Sykes
President: David Froba
Vice President: Jim Gain
Treasurer: Sherry Lindley
Secretary: Harold Reeve
Eric Caine
Bob Corey
Margery Fletcher
Maria Gain
Paul Illick
Wray Ladine
Jerry Lommel
C.J. Rogers
Dick Sykes
President: Dave Froba
Vice President: Jim Gain
Treasurer: Elaine Thomas (off Summer 97) Maria Gain (Oct. 97 through May 98)
Secretary: Bob Corey, Harold Reeve (Oct. 97)
Eric Caine
Margery Fletcher
Paul Illick
Don Knies (off after Sept 97)
Wray Ladine
Jerry Lamely
Harold Reeve
C.J. Rogers
Dick Sykes
Nov 96 add Sherry Lindley
Oct 97 add Maria Gain
Bill Amundsen
Bob Corey
Margery Fletcher
Jim Gain
Paul Illick
Don Knies
Neil Selover
Eric Caine
Elaine Thomas
President: Eric Caine (Sept 1993 end of presidency)
Vice President: Wray Ladine
Secretary: Harold Reeve
Bill Amundsen
Bob Corey
Margery Fletcher
Jim Gain
Paul Illick
Don Knies
John Potter (died July, 1993)
Neil Selover
President: Eric Caine
Vice President: Wray Ladine
Secretary: Harold Reeve
Treasurer: Paul Illick
Bill Amudsen
Bob Corey
Margery Fletcher
Jim Gain
Don Knies
John Potter
Neil Selover
Dorothy Stevens
President: Eric Caine
Vice President: Wray Ladine
Secretary: Harold Reeve
Treasurer: John Potter
Bill Amundsen
Bob Corey
Margery Fletcher
Jim Gain
Jean Hackamack
Paul Illick
Neil Selover
Don Knies
President: Eric Caine
Vice President: Wray Ladine
Secretary: Harold Reeve
Treasurer: John Potter
Bill Amundsen
Bob Corey
Margery Fletcher
Jim Gain
Jean Hackamack
Paul Illick
Paul Johnson
Don Knies
(The following information courtesy of Bill Amundsen and Jean Hackamack.)
President: Eric Caine
Vice President: Wray Ladine
Secretary: Harold Reeve
Treasurer: John Potter
Bill Amundsen
Jim Gain
John Geisler
Jean Hackamack
Paul Illick
Paul Johnson
Zee Leonardini
Irene Potter (emeritus)
Irma Kahn
President: Eric Caine
Vice President: John Potter
Secretary: Mary Anne Dunne
Treasurer: Paul Illick
Bill Amundsen
Jean Hackamack
Wray Ladine
Irma Kahn
Tony Leonardini
Irene Potter
Harold Reeve
Zee Stutzin
President: Eric Caine
Vice-President: John Potter
Secretary: Mary Anne Dunne
Treasurer: Paul Illick
Board of Directors
Bill Amundsen
Jean Hackamack
Irma Kahn
Wray Ladine
Tony Leonardini
Zee Leonardini
Irene Potter
Harold Reeve
President: Eric Caine
Vice President: John Potter
Secretary: Randy Alford
Treasurer: Paul Illick
Irene Potter
Jean Hackamack
Ron Stork
Irma Kahn
Zee Stutzin
John Geisler
Bill Amundsen
Tony Leonardini
President: Jean Hackamack
Vice President: John Potter
Secretary: Randy Alford
Treasurer: Paul Illick
Membership: Janet Johnson
Conservation: Ron Stork
Programs: Irma Kahn
Christmas Counts: Bill Amundsen
Field Trips: John Geisler
Publicity: Zee Stutzin
Land Purchase: Eric Caine
At Large: John McDonnell
President: Jean Hackamack
Vice President: Linda Fruge
Secretary: Richard Kahn
Treasurer: Paul Illick
Janet Johnson
Ron Stork
Irma Kahn
Bill Amundsen
Pat McDonnell
Cheryl Hawranick
John McDonnell
John Potter
President: Linda Fruge
Vice President: Erwin Salomon
Secretary: Deborah Bradford
Treasurer: Evan Faulke
1980/1981 - Incorporated 8/21/1980
President: Karen (left in mid-term)
President: Norma Lowry
Evan Faulke
1975/1978 - National Audubon Charter awarded on August 1, 1976
President: John Geisler
Jim Foster
Berna Philbin
Paul Philbin
Ken Smith
1973 / 1974
President: Rene Blondeau
Cari Amundsen
Bill Amundsen
John Geisler
Jim Foster